Akeno Sunflower Festival(ひまわり畑)

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Since I was not able to made it to the peak of Zama Sunflower Festival,
I was hoping I could still catch the blooming Akeno Sunflower Festival in Hokuto City.
Still I was late..
But then, there are these other of type of sunflower that was blooming 
The Teddy Bear Sunflower..

Teddy Bear Sunflower at Hokuto City
Perfectly named ....big and cuddly and golden.

This variety of sunflower is so beautiful!! 

Blooming Teddy Bear Sunflower
The name Teddy Bear is appropriate.


For Flower fanatics and nature lovers it is best to go from late July through August, where 

more than half a million sunflowers bloom.

Beautiful sun rays
I was also able to capture a beautiful sun rays on this afternoon.

It was like a perfect scenery, a backdrop of rays with surrounding mountains.

It was a picture of peace and serenity, makes me appreciate nature much more :)

It could be a long drive to Hokuto City, but for fanatics like me, it was all worth it.

Looking forward to visiting this again next year.

How I love this!

My smile says it all :)

Event period:
Late July  -  Late August 
8 am - 5 pm
Address: 5664 Asao, Akeno-cho, Hokuto City (北杜市明野町浅尾5664)
By car:
A 20-minute drive from JR Nirasaki Station
By public transportation:
Take Mizugaki Line bus (茅ヶ岳・みずがき田園バス) outside of JR Nirasaki Station. 
Get off at the Heidi-no-Mura Kurara-kan stop (ハイジの村クララ館) and then walk for 5 minutes.